Since september 2014 DECA carries out the maintenance service of public green areas for the Municipality of Quartu Sant’Elena, in the territory/province of Cagliari.
The ordinary maintenance service included the following operations: removal of waste, weeding, fountains maintenance, private area maintenance, planting and maintenance of flower beds, hedge maintenance, shrubs and bush maintenance, tree control, irrigation system maintenance, opening and closing public parks, felling of trees, cleaning uncultivated areas, curbs cleaning and road gutters.
For information, demo request, service prices or any other questions. We are available at any time.
D.E.C.A. S.r.l. Development Engineering Construction Agriculture – Capitale sociale € 200.000,00 – Partita Iva N° 01183731007 – C. F. 03323730584 – C.C.I.A.A. 433749 – Trib. Roma 3801/78
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