

The Intelligent Global Management System designed by DECA: Welcome2©, is not just a simple management system but an application platform with infinite uses.
Welcome2© is a service provided in Saas format, used by small, medium and large companies, private and public enterprises, and supply chains; it does not require investments, in fact it is available for a low monthly fee. It transforms traditional paper forms into electronic forms, allows the sending and immediate traceability of data from the field, provides precise forecasts of the trends of any activity, and much more.
A tool created to support companies in managing their work, and to innovate and make each level more efficient. Structured with high modularity, it allows the company to decide on the individual activities on which to implement Welcome2©.
It complies with ISO standards, significantly facilitating company certifications and adapting the company to the specific needs of customers in terms of safety and prevention in the workplace (Legislative Decree 81/2008 ex Legislative Decree 626/94).

Welcome2© allows integrated management of contract, documentation, communication, transactions, internal administrative activities, field operations, quality, safety, environment, ethics, 231, payroll, ERP accounting, management control, market place and much more.

To know in real-time and precisely the tree asset totality, to have access to all the dates of the last interventions on the trees and the scheduling of future interventions, allows optimal management of greenery, reducing the risks almost to zero.
Welcome2©, thanks to its characteristics, helps to do the compliance of all the requirements of Italian law 10/2013 and related CEE recommendations on risk assessment and reduction for every Public Administration.

  • Rural Green Area Management by browser
    Welcome2© Green is a unique platform accessible from web or mobile app. It allows the remote management of activities, vehicles, work tools and personnel by generating intelligent data that automatically feeds the accounting, management leave, working hours, maintenance tools and vehicles, task scheduling, teams work expenses. All the data generated by the field through the app are available in real time from the browser and are then consultable by enabled users, with different access depending on the role.

  • Tree Censuses and VTAs
    Welcome2© allows the census and characterization of the arboreal asset. For each tree it is possible to produce a maintenance sheet with the characteristics that identify it: the photographic report, the classification, the georeferenced position on the map, the measurements and the posture.
    The agronomist or qualified technician can also carry out a careful visual and instrumental VTA and record the risk class, the final considerations and indicate any action to be taken. Monitoring the status of each tree and scheduling monitoring greatly reduces the risk of the tree falling.
  • Activity Management
    Welcome2© creates a schedule of ordinary activities to be performed on the various green activities and sends the schedule to each individual worker on a daily basis. For each task you can monitor in real time the status of the work, photos, feedback and notes and subsequently create reports. With the function “visualize on map” it is possible to quickly check the progress of all activities on the territory. The system provides precise esteem of team’s workload.

  • Operative Management and Safety
    The field workers are managed by Welcome2© using the smartphone app, which creates teams and workspaces. The app allows the user to track and locate activities and teams in real time. Each operator clocks the start and end of the work day (as well as any breaks or movements), georeferencing the action. Once at the place of activity, the operator states with a flag if they are wearing PPE or not, and accompanies this information with any photos and notes. At the end of the activity, through the Welcome2© app, it communicates the outcome of the work, certifying it with the requested feedback and photos.

  • Anomalies
    With the “ticket” function, Welcome2© can send reports of any anomalies detected by operators directly in the field. Each ticket can be followed in real time by the administration, which has access to the browser to report the problem, information about the team assigned to solve the anomaly and the tracking of work in progress on the site affected by the unexpected event.
    Successful activities are immediately accessible from the browser and accompanied by feedback such as photos, coordinates, date and time.

  • Portal dedicated to citizens
    Welcome2© can deliver some acquired data to a website dedicated where citizens can know how many and which interventions has been made in the green urban areas.

Contact us

For information, demo request, service prices or any other questions. We are available at any time.

D.E.C.A. S.r.l. Development Engineering Construction Agriculture – Capitale sociale € 200.000,00 – Partita Iva N° 01183731007 – C. F. 03323730584 – C.C.I.A.A. 433749 – Trib. Roma 3801/78

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