
Our Story

D.E.C.A. srl was founded in 1978 as a company operating, at national level, in the field of services for the management of greenery, environment and facilities management.
Since its beginning, DECA has achieved 80% of its turnover in green maintenance and environmental hygiene activities, and since 1997 it has also started managing complex facilities for Telecom Italia Spa.
By carrying out these activities of green maintenance and environmental hygiene DECA is able to work in 9 regions of the Italian territory, managing about 1,865,778 square meters of green surfaces, having to clean about 480,000 square meters of paved surfaces in over 8750 sites and taking care of 730 indoor plants.
Also for Telecom Italia, DECA has created “Parco dei Medici” in Rome, where it has entirely managed the project for the arrangement of pedestrian areas and green areas outside the site’s complex.
Currently DECA collaborates with small and large companies, including among its existing contracts the Municipality of Quartu Sant’Elena, the Tiber and Agroroman Remediation Consortium, Inwit, Ater Roma and many others.
Based on over twenty years of experience in managing services for customers with facilities spread throughout the country, around the 90s created within it a highly qualified IT sector dedicated to software development and a department dedicated to Research and Development of advanced technologies in the scientific field.
The first practical applications began in the 2000’s with the use of a prototype of a web-based platform and of a mobile APP in ASP (application server provider) mode for maintenance activities, commissioned by Telecom Italia Spa, of greenery in central-southern Italy. In 2005 Telecom requested the use of the GlobalGest platform, created by DECA srl, for the maintenance, verification and control of infrastructures and equipment for 16,000 radio base stations scattered throughout the national territory.
In the same period, a scientific collaboration with Telecom and CREA (Council for Research and Experimentation in Agriculture) began for the use of GlobalGest in agriculture. This is how Agrivelta was born, a service that is heading towards precision agriculture, and that has highly technological characteristics able to meet the increasingly pressing needs of renewal and competitiveness of agricultural enterprises in an eco-sustainable logic. The objective is to use Artificial Intelligence techniques to achieve and maintain high qualitative and quantitative standards.

The company’s flagship is developed by the Multitenant Welcome2© Global Sharing System. The cloud platform to manage human activities and operating procedures in accordance with ISO standards.
Given its know-how, experience and important scientific collaborations DECA srl has obtained the legal requirements for recognition as a “Private Research Entity”.
Currently DECA srl is the leader of two important Industrial Research projects co-financed by the European Community: GHW Grape Health Wine Industria 2015 (ghwine.it/ 8 partners involved, 6.7 million € investment, 5 years of work) and Tur.Intel Molise (filieradelbello.it/ 8 partners involved, 4 million and investment, 4 years of work).
In 2016 D.E.C.A. srl has registered the utility model patent on the GHW Kit, with the title “useful device in the agricultural field” and bearing the number 283343, issued by the Ministry of Economic Development.

Throughout these years DECA has collaborated with the Arbopave Department (Arboriculture, Botany and Plant Pathology) of the Federico II University of Naples; it has conducted studies together with Pirelli LAB and still boasts agreements and conventions with CRA-PAV (Centre for Research on Plant Pathology), CNR (National Research Council) and its IBAF (Agro-environmental Biology Institute).

In addition, DECA has participated and collaborated with EURISPES (European Institute of Economic and Social Political Studies) in the organisation of the last two forums for technological exchange and innovation in Russia and Italy.


Sole Director

Luigi Campoli

Tel.: (+39) 06 919.919.414

Quality Manager

Silvia Serafini

Security & Human Resources Manager

Carla Maria Cappelletti

Tel.: (+39) 06 919.919.428

General Coordinator

Alberto Tiseo

Tel.: (+39) 06 919.919.422

Installation & Technical Area

Klaus Pagano

Tel.: (+39) 06 919.919.447


Marco Bordoni

Tel.: (+39) 06 919.919.433

Area Manager

Mattia Ludovisi

Tel.: (+39) 06 919.919.178

Software Area

Claudio Terenzi

Tel.: (+39) 06 919.919.431

IT Manager

Andrea Cinquini

Tel.: (+39) 06 919.919.153

Research & Development

Andrea Cinquini

Tel.: (+39) 06 919.919.153

Operating Technician

Corinna Maggi

Tel.: (+39) 06 919.919.424


Renzo Di Lorenzo

Tel.: (+39) 06 919.919.434

System Integrator

Diego Campoli

Tel.: (+39) 06 919.919.415


Marta Vencato

Tel.: (+39) 06 919.919.123

Technical Director

Emilio Campoli

Tel.: (+39) 06 919.919.425

Technical Office

Francesco Campoli

Tel.: (+39) 06 919.919.437


Rosaria Scipioni

Tel.: (+39) 06 919.919.413

Personnel Office

Alessandra Pepe

Tel.: (+39) 06 919.919.423

Contact us

For information, demo request, service prices or any other questions. We are available at any time.

D.E.C.A. S.r.l. Development Engineering Construction Agriculture – Capitale sociale € 200.000,00 – Partita Iva N° 01183731007 – C. F. 03323730584 – C.C.I.A.A. 433749 – Trib. Roma 3801/78

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